Monday, May 12, 2008

Films I totally want to see #397

Until today (thanks, Defamer!) I hadn't heard anything about Twilight, a new teen vampire movie based on the young adult fiction series by Stephenie Meyer, which looks pretty damn cool. Check out the trailer and tell me what you think...

I reckon I might have to track the books down, too.


Anonymous said...

That looks potentially fun, though the vampire adaptation i'd really like to see is of John Lindqvist's "Let the Right One In"... meanwhile, back to Buffy. Cheers, Sam.

Anonymous said...

But are you keeping up with the good Doctor?

Wasn't the Planet of the Ood brilliant!

richardwatts said...

yarraville paul - to be honest the pacing of the episode left a bit to be desired i thought, and there were some plot flaws that made me go 'huh?' a bit, but i still liked it, yeh - especially the way Donna is becoming the Doctor's soul, essentially - she is reconnecting him with his humanity (or his Gallifreyanity.... you know what i mean). And i loved the Sontaran two-parter - tho was sad cute Ross died...